
    The creation of the atomic bomb marked the beginning of the nuclear age and changed the course of mankind. The atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th and 9th of 1945. The bomb was developed at a crucial time in history when the world was at war and the U.S. had been attacked for the first time on its own territory (Pearl Harbor). President Truman's decision to use this  destructive bomb who's catastrophic effects were not yet known was made after much debate and resulted in one of the most disastrous failures of diplomacy of the century. Although the decision was made with the intent to end the war quickly and to save lives, it ended up killing thousands of innocent civilians and changed the world forever. It also led to the massive build up of nuclear weapons leading to the Cold War between the US and Russia. However, it also led to benefits in science, medicine, and engineering.